In August, we launched the Beta release of the GENetic Engineering Risk Atlas (GENERA). This is our long-term project to make it easier to find and understand the scientific literature on genetically engineered crops. When we released the beta version of GENERA we knew there was still a lot of work to be done, including… Read more »
Posts By: Anastasia Bodnar
Washington Post: do patents prevent independent research?
Tamar Haspel wrote a thoughtful and in-depth article about patents and genetically engineered crops for the Washington Post. One of the questions that often comes up is whether patents are preventing independent research from being conducted on these crops? To help answer the question, Haspel included a description of GENERA! Monsanto has agreements with more… Read more »
GENERA in Cosmos Magazine
Marc Brazeau wrote an article about GENERA for Cosmos Magazine. Here is a teaser: GM food is safe according to independent studies Not-for-profit group Biology Fortified is dedicated to dispelling myths about genetically modified crops. Marc Brazeau reports. Critics of genetically modified crops often assert that all research into the plants’ safety is bought and… Read more »
Genetic Literacy Project makes infographics from GENERA

The Genetic Literacy Project, a great source of information about genetics and biotechnology from plants to humans, has made infographics based on the preliminary data from GENERA. They wanted to answer the question: Where is the government-funded research happening, and are GMOs safe? (And does the funding source for the study matter for the conclusion?)… Read more »
GENERA announces beta test launch
The GENetic Engineering Risk Atlas is proud to announce the launch of our website and the public beta test of our system. Today, for the first time ever, the public will be able to see what we have been working on for so long. Check out our press release and let us know what you… Read more »