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  • Peer-reviewed journal article
GE organism
  • maize
GE trait
  • insect resistance
  • USA, Switzerland, New Zealand, UK, Australia, Canada, Czech Republic


Safety for environment
  • no effect

Setting the record straight: a rebuttal to an erroneous analysis on transgenic insecticidal crops and natural enemies Open Access

Shelton, AM; Naranjo, SE; Romeis, J; Hellmich, RL; Wolt, JD; Federici, BA; Albajes, R; Bigler, F; Burgess, EP; Dively, GP; Gatehouse, AM; Malone, LA; Roush, R; Sears, M; Sehnal, F
Transgenic Research. 2009 June. 18(3):317-322

Link to full text (open access, freely available)

PMID: 19357987 DOI: 10.1007/s11248-009-9260-5 ISSN: 0962-8819


As scientists involved in risk assessment of transgenic insecticidal plants, we are greatly concerned about the publication by Lövei et al. (2009) implying that insect-protected crops based on the Cry proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis may have substantial negative impacts on non-target organisms.


Bt, maize, ecology, risk


Funding source
  • Cornell University
  • Agriscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station
  • Iowa State University
  • Plant & Food Research Mt. Albert
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Guelph
  • Biology Centre ASCR
  • Univ
Funding country
  • United States
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Czech Republic
  • Spain
Funding type
  • government

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Shelton, AM, SE Naranjo, J Romeis, RL Hellmich, JD Wolt, BA Federici, R Albajes, F Bigler, EP Burgess, GP Dively, AM Gatehouse, LA Malone, R Roush, M Sears, F Sehnal. "Setting the record straight: a rebuttal to an erroneous analysis on transgenic insecticidal crops and natural enemies." Transgenic Research 18.3 (2009): 317-322. Web. 22 Oct. 2024.


Shelton, AM., Naranjo, SE., Romeis, J., Hellmich, RL., Wolt, JD., Federici, BA., Albajes, R., Bigler, F., Burgess, EP., Dively, GP., Gatehouse, AM., Malone, LA., Roush, R., Sears, M., & Sehnal, F. (2009). Setting the record straight: a rebuttal to an erroneous analysis on transgenic insecticidal crops and natural enemies. Transgenic Research, 18(3), 317-322. doi:10.1007/s11248-009-9260-5

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