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Feeding of genetically modified crops and their effect on the fattening, carcass and qualitative indicators of pigs Open Access

Mlynek, J; Imrich, I; Mlynekova, E
Journal of Central European Agriculture. 2013 January. 14(1):341-353

Link to full text (open access, freely available)

DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/14.1.1205 ISSN: 1332-9049


In the experiment we judged the influence of genetically modified plants on the fattening-, carcass-, and pig quality parameters. We have recorded better fattening parameters in the group fed with the GM crops. We recorded statistically provable differences in the number of the test fattening days (30 – 100 kg), in the life long average daily gains, in the test fodder consumption (30 – 100 kg). We have recorded better carcass indicators in the group fed without the GM plants, which was statistically confirmed in the valuable meaty parts as well as thigh portions. There were no statistically provable differences found out in the meat quality indicators between the groups.


gmo; meat quality; production parameters


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  • Not reported
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Mlynek, J, I Imrich, E Mlynekova. "Feeding of genetically modified crops and their effect on the fattening, carcass and qualitative indicators of pigs." Journal of Central European Agriculture 14.1 (2013): 341-353. Web. 14 Mar. 2025.


Mlynek, J., Imrich, I., & Mlynekova, E. (2013). Feeding of genetically modified crops and their effect on the fattening, carcass and qualitative indicators of pigs. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 14(1), 341-353. doi:10.5513/JCEA01/14.1.1205

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