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Comparison of broiler performance and carcass yields when fed transgenic maize grain containing event DP-O9814O-6 and processed fractions from transgenic soybeans containing event DP-356O43-5 Open Access

McNaughton, J; Roberts, M; Rice, D; Smith, B; Hinds, M; Delaney, B; Iiams, C; Sauber, T
Poultry Science. 2011 August. 90(8):1701-1711

Link to full text (open access, freely available)

PMID: 21753207 DOI: 10.3382/ps.2010-00917 ISSN: 0032-5791


The performance of broilers fed diets containing maize grain from event DP-Ø9814Ø-6 (98140; gat4621 and zm-hra genes) and processed fractions (meal, hulls, and oil) from soybeans containing event DP-356Ø43-5 (356043; gat4601 and gm-hra genes) was evaluated in a 42-d feeding study. Diets were produced with nontransgenic maize grain and soybean fractions from controls with comparable genetic backgrounds to 98140 and 356043 (control), 98140 maize and 356043 soybean (98140 + 356043), or 3 commercially available nontransgenic maize and soybean combinations. Ross 708 broilers (n = 120/group; 50% male, 50% female) were fed diets in 3 phases: starter (d 0 to 21), grower (d 22 to 35), and finisher (d 36 to 42). Starter diets contained (on average) 63% maize and 28% soybean meal, grower diets 66% maize and 26% soybean meal, and finisher diets 72% maize and 21% soybean meal; soybean hulls and oils were held constant at 1.0 and 0.5%, respectively, across all diets in all phases. Weight gain, feed intake, and mortality-adjusted feed efficiency were calculated for d 0 to 42. Standard organ and carcass yield data were collected on d 42. Data were analyzed using a mixed model ANOVA with differences between control and 98140 + 356043 group means considered significant at P < 0.05. Reference group data were used only to estimate experimental variability and to generate tolerance intervals. No significant differences were observed in weight gain, mortality, mortality-adjusted feed efficiency, organ yields, or carcass yields between broilers consuming diets produced with 98140 + 356043 and those consuming diets produced with control maize and soybean fractions. All values of response variables evaluated in the control and 98140 + 356043 groups fell within calculated tolerance intervals. Based on these results, it was concluded that the combination of genetically modified 98140 maize and 356043 soybean fractions was nutritionally equivalent to nontransgenic maize and soybean controls with comparable genetic backgrounds.


genetically modified maize , genetically modified soybean , broiler performance , carcass yield


Funding source
  • DuPont Pioneer
Funding country
  • United States
Funding type
  • industry: same

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McNaughton, J, M Roberts, D Rice, B Smith, M Hinds, B Delaney, C Iiams, T Sauber. "Comparison of broiler performance and carcass yields when fed transgenic maize grain containing event DP-O9814O-6 and processed fractions from transgenic soybeans containing event DP-356O43-5." Poultry Science 90.8 (2011): 1701-1711 . Web. 14 Mar. 2025.


McNaughton, J., Roberts, M., Rice, D., Smith, B., Hinds, M., Delaney, B., Iiams, C., & Sauber, T. (2011). Comparison of broiler performance and carcass yields when fed transgenic maize grain containing event DP-O9814O-6 and processed fractions from transgenic soybeans containing event DP-356O43-5. Poultry Science, 90(8), 1701-1711 . doi:10.3382/ps.2010-00917

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