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Hierarchical metabolomics demonstrates substantial compositional similarity between genetically modified and conventional potato crops

Catchpole, GS; Beckmann, M; Enot, DP; Mondhe, M; Zywicki, B; Taylor, J; Hardy, N; Smith, A; King, RD; Kell, DB; Fiehn, O; Draper, J
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2005 October. 102(40):14458-62

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PMID: 16186495 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0503955102 ISSN: 1091-6490


There is current debate whether genetically modified (GM) plants might contain unexpected, potentially undesirable changes in overall metabolite composition. However, appropriate analytical technology and acceptable metrics of compositional similarity require development. We describe a comprehensive comparison of total metabolites in field-grown GM and conventional potato tubers using a hierarchical approach initiating with rapid metabolome "fingerprinting" to guide more detailed profiling of metabolites where significant differences are suspected. Central to this strategy are data analysis procedures able to generate validated, reproducible metrics of comparison from complex metabolome data. We show that, apart from targeted changes, these GM potatoes in this study appear substantially equivalent to traditional cultivars.


genetically modified substantial equivalence; machine learning


Funding source
  • Food Standards Agency, London
Funding country
  • UK
Funding type
  • government

Publication history

Germany, UK

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Catchpole, GS, M Beckmann, DP Enot, M Mondhe, B Zywicki, J Taylor, N Hardy, A Smith, RD King, DB Kell, O Fiehn, J Draper. "Hierarchical metabolomics demonstrates substantial compositional similarity between genetically modified and conventional potato crops ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102.40 (2005): 14458-62. Web. 10 Feb. 2025.


Catchpole, GS., Beckmann, M., Enot, DP., Mondhe, M., Zywicki, B., Taylor, J., Hardy, N., Smith, A., King, RD., Kell, DB., Fiehn, O., & Draper, J. (2005). Hierarchical metabolomics demonstrates substantial compositional similarity between genetically modified and conventional potato crops . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(40), 14458-62. doi:10.1073/pnas.0503955102

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